Studio 100: Heroes of Childhood

Studio 100 is a renowned entertainment company, home to several iconic children’s brands such as Maya the Bee, Heidi, and Vic the Viking. With a strong legacy in producing beloved animated content, Studio 100 is dedicated to creating innovative campaigns that capture the hearts of both children and nostalgic adults. Their latest venture, the Heroes of Childhood fashion range, is aimed at bringing the magic of classic characters to a new generation of fans.

Campaign Objective:

The primary goal of the Heroes of Childhood (HoC) campaign was to increase awareness of the HoC fashion range across Germany. The secondary objective was to encourage online purchases of the HoC items through key retailers. The campaign was executed with a 25-strong influencer team over three weeks, targeting fashion-conscious individuals who have a fondness for pop culture and nostalgic childhood characters.

Promotional Mechanics:

The campaign leveraged micro-influencers to generate content promoting the fashion range. Each influencer received a HoC-themed goody box, creating content that was shared via Instagram and other social platforms. The campaign was designed to achieve continuous coverage over three weeks, with influencers evenly distributed to maintain momentum.

Influencer Collaboration via Clout:

The Wyld Bunch used Clout, the only influencer platform created exclusively for the brand licensing industry, to source and vet 50 micro-influencers based in Germany. Clout’s data-driven approach ensured that influencers perfectly matched the target audience, consisting of 25-45-year-old pop culture enthusiasts with interests in streetwear and retro fashion. Through Clout, influencers and their audiences were carefully selected to align with the brand’s objectives, reaching an audience size between 500K and 1.5M. With an estimated engagement rate of over 5%, the influencer team was able to deliver 500K impressions, amplifying the HoC brand and its offerings.

Digital Content Creation:

  • Gift Box Production: Custom-designed boxes and protective sleeves were created for the influencers, housing HoC merchandise.
  • Influencer Content: Influencers received a combination of HoC t-shirts, hoodies, and dresses, depending on their preferences. They shared their content through reels, videos, and posts, promoting the fashion range alongside direct links to online retail destinations.
  • Discount Codes: Influencers were equipped with unique discount codes to track their individual performance, providing valuable insights into the potential for future collaborations.

Campaign Results:

With Clout’s targeted approach, the campaign delivered ongoing engagement across the three-week period, achieving sustained interest in the HoC fashion range. Influencers actively promoted not only the products but also encouraged purchases through key retail platforms. The gift packs and discount codes incentivised consumers to explore the collection, driving both awareness and conversions.

Interested in how we can help your brand achieve similar success?
At The Wyld Bunch, we leverage Clout, the only platform developed specifically for the brand licensing sector, to source and vet the perfect influencers for your campaigns. Our proven process not only amplifies your brand’s reach but also converts followers into loyal consumers. Reach out to explore how we can help your brand grow rapidly, affordably, and at scale!

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