Tulipop is a modern-day fairytale series created for young audiences, inspired by the rich heritage and mystical folklore of Iceland. Set on the whimsical Tulipop island, the show features lovable characters like Fred, Bubble, Gloomy, Maddy, and Mr. Tree, captivating both children and their parents. The show airs on Cartoonito and is available on the official Tulipop YouTube channel.
Campaign Objective
The primary goals of the Tulipop Tales campaign were:
These objectives were met through a carefully crafted influencer strategy targeting parents and families, ensuring they connected with the show’s magical themes.
Promotional Mechanics
The campaign focused on leveraging influencers to showcase Tulipop’s charm. Each influencer received a Tulipop gift box for their children, which was highlighted in their posts. Content creation emphasised the show’s inspiration from Iceland’s magical landscapes and the creativity embedded within the show. Influencers were encouraged to share their children’s reactions to unboxing the gift boxes, promoting the show with authenticity and in line with their unique style.
Influencer Collaboration via Clout:
Clout, our SAAS platform developed exclusively for the brand licensing industry, played a pivotal role in sourcing and vetting influencers. We collaborated with influencers whose audiences consisted primarily of parents with young children. Through Clout, we ensured that influencers had engaged, trust-based followings, helping us amplify Tulipop’s brand message across platforms like Instagram and YouTube.
Campaign Highlights:
Digital Content Creation
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The Wyld Bunch leverages Clout, the only influencer platform built for the brand licensing sector, to find the perfect influencers and convert audiences into customers. Our approach is designed for rapid, scalable, and affordable growth. Get in touch to learn how we can tailor a strategy for your brand!